성균관대학교 동아시아학술원

한신학 han theology 2018. 5. 20. 20:45


매년 4월과 10월에 발간되며 인류학, 고고학, 역사, 문학, 철학, 종교 등 동아시아 관련 인문학 전반에 걸쳐 전 세계 석학 및 중진, 그리고 신진학자들의 연구 결과를 게재하여 한국학은 물론 일본학과 중국학 등 동아시아를 대표하는 전문학술지이다.

[알라딘 제공]


Privatization of Buddhism in the Chosn Dynasty
by Don BAKER
Seeking the Colonizer’s Favors for a Buddhist Vision: The Korean Buddhist Nationalist Paek Yongsong’s (1864-1940) Imje Son Movement and His Relationship with the Japanese Colonizer Abe Mitsuie (1862-1936)
by Hwansoo KIM
Ch’oe Nam-son’s Youth Magazines and Message of a Global Korea in the Early Twentieth Century
by Chizuko T. ALLEN
Love as a Contact Zone in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s Dictee (1982)
by Ay?e Naz BULAMUR
Rebuilding Confucian Ideology: Ethnicity and Biography in the Appropriation of Tradition
by Jesse D. SLOANE
The Meaning of “Love” (Ai) in the Analects
by Myeong-seok KIM
Anne ALLISON Precarious Japan
by Dean BRINK
Sung-Deuk OAK The Making of Korean Christianity: Protestant Encounters with Korean Religions 1876-1915
by Sean C. KIM
Marie Seong-hak KIM Law and Custom in Korea: Comparative Legal History
by Franklin RAUSCH

[알라딘 제공]