공통필수 (CC)
Writing Fundamentals
- This course is an introduction to the principles of “good” writing and how professional writers achieve it. Writing Fundamentals (WF) takes a genre approach to writing, an approach that will quickly help you learn to write for different purposes and to different audiences. Over the semester you will learn how to write various types of texts, including email messages, short newspaper/magazine-style articles, and summaries.
Academic Writing
- This course is an introduction to the principles and patterns of academic writing. Academic Writing (AW) takes a process-genre approach to writing, and you will learn how to compose short but complex texts for different purposes, to different audiences, and within different genres. Over the semester you will learn how to draft, revise, and edit your writing and produce magazine-style articles and academic essays.
Refining Academic Writing
- This course focuses on developing in students the skills, strategies, and knowledge needed to improve as writers of academic English. The assumption is that students will be writing theses, projects, and/or substantial papers for other classes in the near future; and with this in mind, the syllabus highlights features of academic writing that are common across a variety of graduate-level writing tasks. These include, but are not limited to, summary writing, maintaining “flow”, defining terms, general/specific organization, and problem/process/solution texts.
Professional Writing
- In this course we seek to help you enter the workforce successfully after completing your final project for graduation. To achieve this, we will spend the early weeks of the class working to produce the best versions of theses/projects possible for submission. Next, we will direct our attention to preparing resumes and C.V.s that will represent us well and stand out to potential employers. We will then turn to the drafting of job inquiries, cover letters, and other general professional writing tasks.
Adapting Incorporating Authentic Materials
- This module provides a practical focus on selecting authentic texts and using them with classroom tasks. We will work with a different textual resource every three weeks to evaluate a variety of texts and examine the background theory and rationale for authentic materials. Students will also have the opportunity to select their own texts and pilot them with tasks they have developed.
Current Events & Discussion
- This course aims to give participants an opportunity to develop and refine their speaking and listening skills through focused small group discussions on weekly topics. Students will be required to follow a wide range of media outlets, both domestic and international, in various forms. Over the course of the semester, students will work towards expanding their academic vocabulary and becoming proficient language users.
Public Speaking
- The focus of this course is on the basic skills, strategies, and techniques of good public speaking. We will concentrate on three main areas: 1) physical performance, 2) visual aids and their presentation, 3) organizing content. Substantial class time will be given over to student speeches and peer/teacher feedback. Speeches are opportunities for students to practice newly acquired skills in a supportive environment and to demonstrate their understanding of the course content.
- Students will learn how to use stories to increase skills in listening to and telling stories. Students will practice telling both real and fictional stories. There will be a focus on different aspects of storytelling; types of stories, different delivery of stories, voice, tone, etc. We will also look lexical phrases common in different types of stories and descriptive language used in storytelling.
Classroom Dynamics
- This module will critically explore how psychology research and theory can supplement what practitioners know from SLA to help learners achieve optimal development in the language classroom. Students will explore topics which include leadership, group dynamics, apathy, goal theory, self-esteem and confidence, motivational orientations, dealing with “troublemakers” and “underachievers”.
Literature & Language Learning
- The Literature and Language Learning module seeks to familiarize students with a variety of literary forms written in English and some of their possible uses in the Korean EFL classroom. We will do this by examining the rationale behind using literature in an EFL context, by reading a range of authentic literary texts (short stories, poems, dramatic scenes, and one novel for young adults), and by exploring tasks and activities that can be employed to exploit such texts for language learning/acquisition.
ELT 학술정보 활용 1[ELT Information Literacy 1]
- The course aims to provide the fundamentals of literacy in ELT specialized information. The objective will be fulfilled by introducing different types of information, selecting the research topics at an earlier stage, getting familiarized with the library classification system and the library homepage, exploring various sources at disposal, and getting accustomed to managing and processing the collected information using the suitable software programs.
공통선택 (CE)
영어학과 영어교육[Introduction to Linguistics]
- 영어의 음운, 형태, 통사 및 의미 체계와 담화구조를 전반적으로 살펴, 영어 교사가 영어 구조에 대해 가져야 할 지식과 안목을 높인다.
This course introduces the fundamental concepts of linguistics, including those of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and discourse structure, with a focus on their relationship to the study of second language acquisition and to the teaching of foreign or second language.
영어교육과 봉사활동 1, 2, 3, 4[ELT & Social Service 1, 2, 3, 4]
- Students as ELT professionals will understand social roles of English language teaching through participating in ELT social services. They will be encouraged to participate in the IGSE volunteer activities and the activities of current ELT volunteer organizations. They may also establish a new ELT social service together.
영어학과 영어교육[Introduction to Linguistics]
- This course is an introduction to how language works. For language teaching professionals, it is important to know what language is, how it can be described, and what role it plays in society. Introduction to Linguistics (ITL) is offered early in your MA program because it provides a foundation upon which you can begin to build your own theory of language learning and teaching.
정보통신기술 활용[ICT Literacy]
- This course is dealt with basic information communications technology (ICT) for ELT professionals in teaching English, creating ELT content, studying ELT topics and managing ELT activities. In the course, moreover, students make their own video files with learning basic multimedia skills to deal with image, audio, video data.
교육 영문법[Pedagogical Grammar]
- This course consists of a series of workshops designed to enable prospective and practising EFL teachers to develop an up-to-date knowledge and improved awareness of grammatical structures and concepts crucial to the teaching of EFL. The course has both a descriptive and practical focus, to enable students to apply their new understanding to coursebook evaluation and lesson planning as well as materials design and development.
영어교사를 위한 음성학[Phonetics of English]
- This course consists of a series of workshops to enable prospective and practising EFL teachers to develop a practical understanding of concepts underpinning the pronunciation of English in EFL. We will be dealing mainly with articulatory phonetics, surveying the sounds, word-stress, rhythm and intonation of the main varieties, and addressing issues for Korean learners in the perception and performance of same.
영어교육 프로그램 개발[ELT Curriculum Design and Development]
- This course is an orientation to the process of second language (SL) curriculum design?planning, development, implementation, and evaluation. You will learn how to apply theory to practice and create effective ELT programs. By the end of the course, you should be able to construct a customized SL learning program that effectively targets one (or several) of the major skills areas (e.g., speaking, reading).
영한대조분석 및 영문번역[Contrastive Analysis & Translation]
- The course focuses on contrastive analysis of English and Korean with respect to the comparison of grammar, vocabulary, cultures, and fixed expressions of the two languages with the aim of applying the findings to teaching English in Korea. Based on the comparative study of the languages, students are encouraged to translate English texts into Korean.
영어교육과 어휘학습[ELT and Vocabulary Learning]
- This course focuses on understanding diverse aspects of EFL vocabulary learning and teaching. The course deals with both theoretical studies and practical experiences through reading course books and doing workshops. The main topics of the course include history of vocabulary research and teaching, major word lists, current trends of research on vocabulary learning and teaching, and a comparative study of vocabulary materials.
영어 평가론[Language Testing]
- This course is intended to provide working knowledge of the basic principles and procedures for test construction and testing in a second language teaching context. Participants will review a variety of first and second language tests including standardized tests, integrative language tests, discrete-point tests, and tests of communicative competence. Participants will also construct and try out some of their own tests.
영어교육과 경영[ELT Management]
- This is an interdisciplinary course that combines a wide range of areas drawing from the field of business and management and that of language teaching and learning. The aim of this course is to extend their knowledge of relevant management principles and practices and develop their management skills through the application of this knowledge to a language teaching context.
ELT 학술정보 활용 2[ELT Information Literacy 2]
- The course aims to provide the fundamentals of literacy in ELT specialized information. The objective will be fulfilled by introducing different types of information, selecting the research topics at an earlier stage, getting familiarized with the library classification system and the library homepage, exploring various sources at disposal, and getting accustomed to managing and processing the collected information using the suitable software programs.
영어교재개발학과 전공선택 (ME)
영어 교수의 원리[Fundamentals of English Language Teaching]
- This course introduces key concepts about language learning through definitions of terms and examines approaches to different issues in language learning and theoretical foundations to language teaching. This course can encourage students to consider the implications of theories for classroom pedagogy and help learners understand what to do to learn a language more effectively.
디지털 출판[Digital Publishing]
- This practical course is designed to help students understand e-books and digital content. In the course they will make ELT e-books with multimedia content. Word processors will be used to produce PDF e-books and EPUB editors such as Sigil to produce EPUB e-books. Through learning programming languages such as HTML, CSS, the students will explore various possibilties of using digital publishing in the ELT field.
영어교재 디자인[ELT Materials Design]
- This practical course is designed to help students produce ELT books through learning design principles of paper books and publishing software such as Adobe InDesign. In the course they will learn how to deal with text and image and how to design brochure, class materials, storybooks and various ELT books. The students will be encouraged to design their ELT materials and books with their own content.
영어사전 개발 및 활용[Developing and Using Dictionaries]
- This course aims to study the importance of dictionaries as learning materials and introduce various types of learner’s dictionaries. The topics of this course comprise history of learner’s dictionaries, typology of dictionaries, and diverse information types of the dictionary, as well as the processes of dictionary compilation. The main purpose of this course is to examine the effective use of dictionaries for language learning and teaching.
영어교재개발학과 전공필수 (MC)
영어교재론[Introduction to ELT Materials]
- This course deals with current principles of syllabus design and instructional materials focusing on the analysis, creation and evaluation of instructional materials for teaching English as a foreign language. Emphasis is placed on preparing and/or adapting language lessons, as well as on producing materials in audio, visual and computer-assisted mediums for particular language learners and situations at all levels.
영어교재 분석 및 개발[Analysis and Development of EFL Materials]
- The aims of this course are to survey and analyze existing English textbooks for elementary and secondary schools with reference to the guidelines of the Ministry of Education for English textbooks. Based on the findings of the analysis and explorations into theories of syllabus design, students will devise new types of textbooks which are ideally suited to Korean EFL classrooms. The creation of experimental material is required in the course.
Project 1, 2 / Thesis 1, 2
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교과목 해설
영어교재개발학과 교과목표
학년 | Fall Semester | Spring Semester |
Year 1 | 공통필수 - Writing Fundamentals (2 Credits) Module: Skill-focused - ELT Modules 1 (2 Credits) Current Events & Discussion - ELT Modules 2 (2 Credits) Storytelling - ELT Modules 3 (2 Credits) Public Speaking - ELT Modules 4 (2 Credits) Listening & Speaking Module: Content-focused - ELT Modules 5 (2 Credits) AIAM - ELT Modules 6 (2 Credits) Classroom Dynamics - ELT Modules 7 (2 Credits) Literature & Language Learning Professional Development - Contents Module 1 (2 Credits) ELT Academic Activities - Contents Module 2 (2 Credits) Publishing Books - Contents Module 3 (2 Credits) ELT Activity Development - Contents Module 4 (2 Credits) ELT Business Start-Up 공통선택 - 정보기술 활용 - 영어학과 영어교육 - 교육영문법 - 리터러시와 파닉스 - 영어교육 봉사활동 1 - 자격증 과정 (1 or 2 Credits) 전공선택 - 영어교수의 원리 전공필수 - 영어교재론 A | 공통필수 - Essay writing (2 Credits) - ELT 학술정보 활용 (1 Credit) Module: Skill-focused - ELT Modules 1 (2 Credits) Current Events & Discussion - ELT Modules 2 (2 Credits) Storytelling - ELT Modules 3 (2 Credits) Public Speaking - ELT Modules 4 (2 Credits) Listening & Speaking Module: Content-focused - ELT Modules 5 (2 Credits) AIAM - ELT Modules 6 (2 Credits) Classroom Dynamics - ELT Modules 7 (2 Credits) Literature & Language Learning Professional Development - Contents Module 1 (2 Credits) ELT Academic Activities - Contents Module 2 (2 Credits) Publishing Books - Contents Module 3 (2 Credits) ELT Activity Development - Contents Module 4 (2 Credits) ELT Business Start-Up 공통선택 - 영어교사를 위한 음성학 - 파닉스 연구 - 영어교육 프로그램 개발 - 드라마 기법을 활용한 영어교육 - 영어교육 봉사활동 2 - 자격증 과정 (1 or 2 Credits) 전공선택 - 디지털출판 - 영어교재 디자인 - 영어사전 개발 및 활용 전공필수 - 영어교재분석 및 개발 A/B |
Year 2 | 공통필수 - Academic Writing (2 Credits) Module: Skill-focused - ELT Modules 1 (2 Credits) Current Events & Discussion - ELT Modules 2 (2 Credits) Storytelling - ELT Modules 3 (2 Credits) Public Speaking - ELT Modules 4 (2 Credits) Listening & Speaking Module: Content-focused - ELT Modules 5 (2 Credits) AIAM - ELT Modules 6 (2 Credits) Classroom Dynamics - ELT Modules 7 (2 Credits) Literature & Language Learning Professional Development - Contents Module 1 (2 Credits) ELT Academic Activities - Contents Module 2 (2 Credits) Publishing Books - Contents Module 3 (2 Credits) ELT Activity Development - Contents Module 4 (2 Credits) ELT Business Start-Up 공통선택 - ELT 학술정보 활용 2 (1 Credit) - 영어교육과 어휘학습 - 영어평가론 - 영어교육 봉사활동 3 - 자격증 과정 (1 or 2 Credits) 전공필수 - 논문 1/작품 1 (1 Credit) 전공선택 - 영한대조분석 및 영문 번역 - 앱북 개발 | 공통필수 - Professional Writing (2 Credits) Module: Skill-focused - ELT Modules 1 (2 Credits) Current Events & Discussion - ELT Modules 2 (2 Credits) Storytelling - ELT Modules 3 (2 Credits) Public Speaking - ELT Modules 4 (2 Credits) Listening & Speaking Module: Content-focused - ELT Modules 5 (2 Credits) AIAM - ELT Modules 6 (2 Credits) Classroom Dynamics - ELT Modules 7 (2 Credits) Literature & Language Learning Professional Development - Contents Module 1 (2 Credits) ELT Academic Activities - Contents Module 2 (2 Credits) Publishing Books - Contents Module 3 (2 Credits) ELT Activity Development - Contents Module 4 (2 Credits) ELT Business Start-Up 공통선택 - 파닉스 지도 - 영어교육과 경영 - 영어교육 봉사활동 4 - 자격증 과정 (1 or 2 Credits) 전공필수 - 논문 2/작품 2 (1 Credit) |
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