IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis)를 활용한 제조업 보건관리자의 자격별 직무분석
IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis)를 활용한 제조업 보건관리자의 자격별 직무분석
IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis)를 활용한 제조업 보건관리자의 자격별 직무분석
Job Analysis with IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis) based on the Qualification of Occupational Health Managers Working in Manufacturing Work-sites
저자윤정아, 김순례, 정혜선소속카톨릭대학교 간호대학, 가톨릭대학교학술지정보한국직업건강간호학회지 KCI
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pp.159-170 ISSN 2287-2531
발행정보한국직업건강간호학회 2013년 피인용횟수0자료제공처국회도서관 KISTI 학술교육원 한국연구재단
무료원문KISTI 한국연구재단 원문 보기 유료원문학술교육원 도서관 링크서울대학교 상명대학교(서울) 삼육대학교 설정 주제분야 공학 > 산업공학 , 의약학 > 보건학 키워드보건관리자, 직무분석, IPA, 산업간호사, 산업위생기사, Occupational health services, Task performance and analysis, Occupational health nursing
Purpose: To provide the data of health manager education program in order to improve the quality of work-sites health management with qualification based job analysis of health managers (Occupational Health Nursing, Industrial Hygienist, Environmental Engineer). Methods: A descriptive research on 132 health managers using IPA and SPSS/WIN. Results: The overall average of importance of health management job was 8.0 (10 being the maximum score). Nurses had significantly higher score in the level of importance per areas and health management jobs. The overall average of performance of health management job was 6.7 (10 being the maximum score). Nurses had higher score in the area of health management. IPA matrix distributions per health management job area showed the correlations in qualification backgrounds and all of 3 main areas. Conclusion: There was difference in the level of importance and performance on health management jobs based on the qualification backgrounds of health managers. To improve the health of workers, an integrated health management must be provided. And to provide this, it is necessary to offer the additional education to health managers with an institutional complementary plan.
Purpose: To provide the data of health manager education program in order to improve the quality of work-sites health management with qualification based job analysis of health managers (Occupational Health Nursing, Industrial Hygienist, Environmental Engineer). Methods: A descriptive research on 132 health managers using IPA and SPSS/WIN. Results: The overall average of importance of health management job was 8.0 (10 being the maximum score). Nurses had significantly higher score in the level of importance per areas and health management jobs. The overall average of performance of health management job was 6.7 (10 being the maximum score). Nurses had higher score in the area of health management. IPA matrix distributions per health management job area showed the correlations in qualification backgrounds and all of 3 main areas. Conclusion: There was difference in the level of importance and performance on health management jobs based on the qualification backgrounds of health managers. To improve the health of workers, an integrated health management must be provided. And to provide this, it is necessary to offer the additional education to health managers with an institutional complementary plan.
1. 연구의 필요성
2. 연구목적
1. 연구설계
2. 연구대상 및 자료수집
3. 연구도구
4. 자료분석
1. 연구대상자의 일반적 특성
2. 자격별 보건관리 직무의 중요도
3. 자격별 보건관리 직무의 수행도
4. 자격별 IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis)
5. IPA 결과 자격별 비교
결론 및 제언
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