한국교원대학교 컴퓨터교육과

한신학 han theology 2016. 5. 23. 16:39
31461-101정보교과교육론Education in Informatics Teaching Materials3 - 3 - 021학기
32461-121정보교과교재연구Research in Informatics Teaching Materials3 - 3 - 022학기
32461-122정보교과교수법Teaching in Informatics Education3 - 3 - 03-41학기
32461-123정보교과수업실기Teaching Practice for Informatics3 - 2 - 23-42학기
32461-124정보교과과정및평가Curricular & Evaluation for Informatics Education3 - 3 - 03-42학기
32461-125정보교육 및 세미나Seminar in Informatics Education3 - 3 - 03-42학기
32461-126정보교과논술개론Introduction to Essay-type Informatics Education3 - 3 - 03-41학기
33461-233컴퓨터네트워크Computer Network3 - 3 - 022학기
33461-234데이터베이스Data Base3 - 3 - 012학기
33461-235알고리즘Algorithm3 - 3 - 03-42학기
33461-236운영체제Operating System3 - 3 - 03-41학기
33461-238자료구조Data Structure3 - 3 - 021학기
33461-239C프로그래밍C Programming3 - 3 - 011학기
34461-231이산수학Discrete Mathematics3 - 3 - 011학기
34461-241프로그래밍 IProgramming I3 - 2 - 212학기
34461-241프로그래밍 IIProgramming II3 - 3 - 021학기
34461-244운영체제의응용Application in Operating Systems3 - 3 - 03-41학기
34461-245프로그래밍언어론Programming Language3 - 3 - 03-42학기
34461-246저작도구Authoring Tool3 - 3 - 03-42학기
34461-248소프트웨어공학Software Engineering3 - 3 - 03-42학기
34461-252컴퓨터구조Computer Architecture3 - 3 - 022학기
34461-253컴퓨터구조의응용Application in Computer Architecture3 - 3 - 03-41학기
34461-254정보통신Information Communication3 - 3 - 03-41학기
34461-255정보보안Information Security3 - 3 - 03-41학기
34461-258인터넷Internet3 - 3 - 022학기
34461-259유비쿼터스컴퓨팅Ubiquitous Computing3 - 3 - 03-42학기
34461-263인공지능Artificial Intelligence3 - 3 - 022학기
34461-264디지털정보처리Digital Information Processing3 - 3 - 03-41학기
34461-265창의적문제해결Creative Problem Solving3 - 2 - 23-41학기
34461-271멀티미디어Multimedia3 - 3 - 021학기
34461-272원격교육론Theory of Distance Education3 - 3 - 03-41학기
34461-274컴퓨터그래픽스Computer Graphics3 - 3 - 03-42학기
34461-281컴퓨터개론Introduction to Computer3 - 3 - 011학기
34461-282정보통신윤리Ethics of Information and Communication3 - 3 - 012학기
34461-285정보기술세미나IInformation Technology Seminar I3 - 3 - 03-41학기
34461-286정보기술세미나IIInformation Technology Seminar II3 - 3 - 03-42학기
34461-341응용프로그래밍IApplication Programming I3 - 3 - 022학기
34461-342응용프로그래밍IIApplication Programming II3 - 3 - 03-41학기
34461-343안드로이드프로그래밍Android Programming3 - 3 - 03-42학기
34461-344스마트교육시스템개발SMART Education System3 - 3 - 03-42학기
34461-345교육용프로그래밍Educational Programming3 - 3 - 012학기
34461-351시스템분석및설계System Analysis and Design3 - 3 - 03-42학기