승자와 패자
승자가 즐겨 쓰는 말은 '다시 한 번 해보자' 이고
패자가 자주 쓰는 말은 '해봐야 별 수 없다'이다.
승자는 차라리 용감한 죄인이 되고
패자는 차라리 비겁한 요행을 믿는다.
승자는 새벽을 깨우며 달리고
패자는 새벽을 기다리며 앉아 있다.
승자는 일곱 번을 쓰러져도 여덟 번 일어서지만,
패자는 쓰러진 일곱 번을 낱낱이 후회한다.
승자는 달려가며 계산하지만,
패자는 출발도 하기 전에 계산부터 한다.
* J.하비스*
일요일 아침입니다.야근하고 좀있으면 퇴근합니다.
일요일 편한 휴식하시고 재충전하여
내일부터 시작되는 새로운 한 주.
각자 인생의 승자가 됩시다..... *^.^*
<오늘의 추천영화 - 이웃사람>
죽은 소녀도, 살인마도, 그를 막는 사람들도 모두 이웃사람.
강풀 만화가 원작인 영화 이웃사람.
요즘 세상이 워낙 흉흉하다 보니 보는내내 소름끼치듯 섬뜩했던 거 같아요. 하지만 이 영화는 범죄에 포커스를 맞췄다기 보다는 그 이후 남아있는 사람의 아픔을 더 잘 표현한 영화가 아닐까라는 생각이 들었답니다. 스릴러보다는 드라마에 가까웠던 것 같아요. 지루함 없이 볼 수 있는 영화, '이웃사람' 추천합니다. ^^
신비의 세계!
자연은 사람들이 한짖을
알고 있는것일까?
어쩜 !조기에서
풀이 자랄 생각을 했을까!
최첨단의 시대를
살고 있는
인간도 대자연의
힘 앞에선
한없이 나약 할 뿐인걸~
즐거운 주말 오후 보내세요^^
As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.”
Luke 9:57
What it's all about...
Speak little.
Learn the words of eternity. Go beyond your tangled thoughts and find the splendor of Paradise.
~ Rumi
Thanks to Denise Flynn...
In other words, playing nice and by the rules all the time will get you nowhere.
"We have the lowest minimum wage in the Western world. We have the greatest amount of consumer debt. We have the highest child poverty, the highest adult poverty, huge underemployment, a crumbling public works—but huge multi-billionaires and hugely profitable corporations.
I say to the American people: What’s your breaking point? When are you going to stop making excuses for yourself? When are you going to stop exaggerating these powers when you know you have the power in this country if you organize it?" ~ Ralph Nader
Thanks to Pamela Smith for sharing this.
Let all Lovers be content
Give them happy endings
Let their lives be celebration
Let their hearts dance in the fire of your Love.
~ Rumi (R.A.)
There you have it. Brilliant.
I just have one thing to say to all you NSA defenders and Obamapologists out there: BOO.
Unlike George W. Bush, Bradley Manning is a hero who exposed war crimes. We need more brave souls like him who will expose the war crimes and lies to cover them up by our government. The more there are, the less credibility the government will have when it tries to railroad whistleblowers behind a cloud of secrecy with no public record of their further judicial crimes and gulag tactics.
And, to pile on the ironies, nowhere in the Bible does it mention the U.S.A.
From The Kitchen Of You-Know-Who...
(with apologies to the Colonel)
Paula Deen Challenge: Hit Me With a Rock And Kill Me – TMZ.com
Paula Deen defiantly, and tearfully, says she doesn’t need to change when it comes to using offensive words, but young Black people do — oh, and Jesse Jackson’s got her back.
Deen burst into tears on ‘Today’ while telling Matt Lauer she’s had to comfort friends who are distraught over the scandal that erupted last week — when we learned Deen admitted in a sworn deposition that she used the n-word … albeit 27-years ago [she now claims].
Deen looked straight into the camera and said, “If there’s anyone out there that has never said something that they wish they could take back … please pick up that stone and throw it so hard at my head that it kills me.”
She added, “I is what I is and I’m not changing.”
Deen also told Lauer that she has “never” used the n-word other than that onE time while describing the man who held her at gunpoint during a bank robbery. That’s a total departure from the deposition where she admitted saying the word from time to time since the robbery, but couldn’t recall in what context.
When asked if she had any doubt the n-word was offensive to Black people — she claimed she didn’t know because … “it’s very distressing for me to go into my kitchens and I hear what these young people are calling each other. It’s very, very distressing.”
She added, “I think for this problem to be worked on … these young people are gonna have to take control and start showing respect for each other and not throwing that word at each other. It makes my skin crawl.”
Deen also managed to do a little name dropping … claiming she’s gotten support from Rev. Jesse Jackson.
Tulips in Snow, Jeremy Ranch, Park City, Utah
Again, this is why the organized labor of workers is the only viable or appropriate response to the organized greed of capitalist business owners.
Don't come lecturing us about liberty. You need a reality check. Don't act like a spoiled rude child. Here you will only find dignity and sovereignty. Here we haven't invaded anyone. Here we don't torture like in Guantanamo. Here we don't have drones killing alleged terrorist without any due trial, killing also the women and children of those supposed terrorists. So don't come lecturing us about life, law, dignity, or liberty. You don't have the moral right to do so.
EVERYONE needs to go out and video the cops in action.
Should have posted this yesterday, but it is no less true today.
Closer to heaven than most.
He's not alone.
Rogues gallery.
For nothing?
Here's why we can't have nice things...
They are not even bothering to hide the fact that they believe they have a right to FORCE women to have children.
Hey Mitch McConnell! How's that "one-term President" plan working out for you?
If a popular uprising in Egypt can oust their budding theocracy...
Maher doesn't always nail it, but he does here.